Saturday, February 8, 2020

Employee engagement is crucial for effective, corporate decision Essay

Employee engagement is crucial for effective, corporate decision making. Discuss using examples from two global companies - Essay Example Employee engagement profoundly affects an employee’s willingness to learn, cooperate, and work together with others (Karsan & Kruse 2011). Employee engagement can therefore be identified as a fundamental element of teamwork. Engagement should, however, not be confused with satisfaction and motivation. Different individuals might find parts of their job which offer satisfaction and motivation yet they might not be fully engaged. The concept of employee engagement remains an essential element of business management, which can effectively assist in corporate decision-making. Employee engagement could be defined as the willingness and ability for employees to assist the organisation to succeed, through offering discretionary effort, continuously (Wellins et al. 2005). Business decisions regarding human resource can be effectively undertaken through the understanding of various aspects of employee engagement. The element of engagement could be measured through the continuous mo nitoring of individuals behaviour, consequently understanding their engagement to work related activities (Seijts & Crim 2006). Proper knowledge of the engagement level possessed by employees can assist human resource management decisions by identifying individual’s skills and motivators. ... Employees to stay within the organisation commonly display the employee commitment through the desire. Many international corporations engage in the assessment of employee engagement in enhancing the decision-making process. This enables the corporations to make informed business decisions regarding the organisational operations. There are several aspects of employee management which managers must undertake in order to ensure their employees remain engaged to their respective jobs. Among these drivers of employee engagement, the top three could be identified as management’s interest in employee well-fare, work related challenges, and the decision making authority (Saks 2006). Employee engagement notable among many employees remains the capacity to fell valued and involved within the company operations. This significantly concerns the decision-making process utilised within an organisation. Involvement of employees in decision making helps in increasing their morale. Conseque ntly, the ultimate results of decision-making involvement are increased engagement of employees with corporate operations. The involvement of employees in decision-making includes seeking their opinions regarding various issues surrounding corporate operations. Though their ideas might not be implemented, the thought of having voiced their ideas becomes a source of encouragement. Managers remain the key to achieving engagement of an entire corporate workforce. In achieving considerable engagement of employees the managers must undertake various responsibilities aimed at improving the morale of employees (Baumruk & Gorman 2006). Firstly, managers

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